Protocol Evaluation Research
The Action Committee in collaboration with the University of Guelph is currently evaluating services for sexual assault and domestic violence in Guelph-Wellington.
The research is focusing on the 2010 First Response Protocol and how well it is working from the perspectives of both women receiving services for sexual assault and/or domestic violence and service providers.
The results of the research will provide information about both the benefits and challenges of agencies in Guelph-Wellington working together to respond to sexual assault and domestic violence. The Action Committee will use the research results to work to improve services for sexual assault and domestic violence in our community. To read the Evaluation of our Protocol click here, or watch our brief research and evaluation video here.
CU Expo 2013
The Protocol Evaluation research team presented on the research to date at the CU Expo 2013 in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland in June 2013. The presentation focused on the process of the research to date and the value of communities and universities working together.